Insurtech Building Blocs Podcast: Trailer

If you're curious about the Insurtech landscape and how the movers and shakers of the industry are progressing, join host Cory Schmidt, Co-Founder & CTO at AgencyBloc, on Insurtech Building Blocs each month, premiering January 2024, available everywhere you download your favorite podcasts.

Insurtech Building Blocs is presented by AgencyBloc, the #1 Recommended Insurance Industry Growth Platform serving the benefits and senior market space with 6,500+ customers across multiple solutions within the platform. With a range of insurance-specific solutions for sales enablement, client and policy management, compliance management, quoting and proposals, and commissions management — all with highly recommended customer support — we've got you covered.

Posted on Sunday, January 21, 2024 in Podcast

  1. industry news
  2. marketing